Course curriculum

    1. Overview of content

    1. Welcome to the course!

    2. An introduction to Motivational Interviewing

    3. Effective communication in healthcare

    4. Teach-back method

    5. Informed consent, capacity and informed discharge

    1. Welcome to the course!

    2. Burnout

    3. Secondary Traumatic Stress

    1. Welcome to the course!

    2. Health inequalities in Canada

    3. Education as a social determinant of health

    4. Why education matters to health

    5. Education as a social determinant of First Nations, Inuit and Métis health

    1. Welcome to the course!

    2. Lifespan development

    3. The 3 D's in older adults

    4. Mini-Cog

    1. Welcome to the course!

    2. Stress response

    3. Breaking bad news

    4. Caregiver burnout

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  • Community Paramedicine

    Sample course content from our specialized community paramedicine courses

  • Prehospital Preceptor

    Sample course content from our Micro-Cert in Prehospital Preceptorship.

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